***** (5 stars) "Lyrically lovely ;-)"
by Ariele Huff, June 1, 2015
This may be my favorite of the three books so far. I love the family interactions and the daughter's courage.
I'm looking forward to the next part of this story.
***** (5 stars) "Part 3"
by Dave, June 2, 2015
Appreciate part 3 coming out so quickly after part 2. Nice to learn more about the three races and look forward to seeing what happens to our lead character.
***** (5 stars) "The next stage must be faced."
by Peter F. Mac Doran, July 5, 2015
Wonderful imagery which transports the reader into how a genetically hybridized being might feel when being required to move into a next stage of existence being separated from parents where a war distorted external world is a growing threat to them all.
***** (5 stars) "A wonderful story of courage"
by Marty Gates, July 7, 2015
A wonderful story of courage and strong family ties, where difficult sacrifices sometimes have to be made. Purpose and destiny are often forged on the back of such character traits.
by Ariele Huff, June 1, 2015
This may be my favorite of the three books so far. I love the family interactions and the daughter's courage.
I'm looking forward to the next part of this story.
***** (5 stars) "Part 3"
by Dave, June 2, 2015
Appreciate part 3 coming out so quickly after part 2. Nice to learn more about the three races and look forward to seeing what happens to our lead character.
***** (5 stars) "The next stage must be faced."
by Peter F. Mac Doran, July 5, 2015
Wonderful imagery which transports the reader into how a genetically hybridized being might feel when being required to move into a next stage of existence being separated from parents where a war distorted external world is a growing threat to them all.
***** (5 stars) "A wonderful story of courage"
by Marty Gates, July 7, 2015
A wonderful story of courage and strong family ties, where difficult sacrifices sometimes have to be made. Purpose and destiny are often forged on the back of such character traits.