Photo by Gerrit Hansen: Ecola State Park, Cannon Beach, Oregon
General Audience
My primary work at this point in time is on my second novel, a historical fantasy based in ancient Java (circa 800 BCE) Book One in The Power of Ancients series. Many other projects are waiting in line, including futuristic sci-fi/fantasy thrillers. I've even mapped out a second trilogy for after The Power of Ancients.
Read the synopsis, the inspiration behind the story, and about the setting
Meet the Characters
Read Chapter 1 (Meet Maruli and Tala)
Read Chapter 2 (Maruli's Choice)
Read Chapter 3 selection (Tala)
Short Stories
Dylan Downey's Deadly Dinners
Fiction short story. Humor.
EMS responders evacuate Dylan's body from the house as his grieving wife, Satashia, and all the neighbors watch. More than a few juicy morsels of gossip pass through the ranks of the onlookers. Who will have the last word?
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Fiction short story. Humor.
EMS responders evacuate Dylan's body from the house as his grieving wife, Satashia, and all the neighbors watch. More than a few juicy morsels of gossip pass through the ranks of the onlookers. Who will have the last word?
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