Photo by Gerrit Hansen: Powder Mill Creek, Everett, WA
October 2, 2024: I've been able to publish four of my children's books over the past month--two stories in each volume. Claudius Rifius stories were first created for my kids, but after the third story, they were all created for my grandson. Great illustrations by a longtime Indonesian friend as well as a new one. Go to the Children's Literature page to find out more and order them.
January 1, 2024: I've been working on the cover for publication of The Power of Ancients. Will be meeting with a small imprint on Saturday, 1/6/2024 to discuss publication, which will likely happen in late spring. Otherwise, I will self-publish sooner, most likely by the end of this month. Stay tuned--it's finally happening!
As far as Claudius Rifius is concerned, we're working on the artwork. The illustrator for the first two stories is making progress, just more slowly than planned. Hopefully, we'll have some progress by mid-year and the stories will go up on Amazon.
As far as Claudius Rifius is concerned, we're working on the artwork. The illustrator for the first two stories is making progress, just more slowly than planned. Hopefully, we'll have some progress by mid-year and the stories will go up on Amazon.
December 24, 2022: Don't worry, I haven't stopped writing. I've been working on several projects at once, putting a few extra touches on The Power of Ancients. I've written 15,000 words into its sequel. A new children's book, The Adventures of Claudius Rifius (current title) is in the works, and I'm working with an illustrator for this project. Then, I've written a few more chapters in my memoir. Finally, I've edited another book that was published just a few months ago. With more free time now, I will be pursuing writing more earnestly. I'm expecting to publish The Power of Ancients in 2023, by whatever means possible, so be looking for that. I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season!
December 29, 2021: And the pandemic never ends. This past year hasn't focused as much on writing as I would have wished. However, I have actively started working on Book Two as well as charting out a Book Three. Meanwhile, I have entered Book One in a contest and will hear preliminary results in January 2022. Those results will determine how I decide to pursue publishing. Also, I revised the names of the characters to sound like ancient Indonesian names. From history, we know that Hinduism was dominant in Java from 500 BCE to 1500 AD. So, the names are a mixture of traditional tribal names and Sanskrit names.
December 5, 2020: Wow, how much has happened since February 3. We've had COVID. We've had shutdowns. Industries have been paralyzed. However, the re-write continues, and is nearing completion. I will wait until spring or summer next year (2021) before I try marketing the book to agents and publishers. My hope is that by that time, the world will have resumed a more-or-less stable/normal rhythm.
February 3, 2020: A re-write is underway. The new beginning chapters are posted. These may not be what I finalize as the beginning chapters, but they are what I have at the moment. I intend to experiment by moving some chapters around. Hopefully, this re-write is even more engaging than the previous version.
January 4, 2019: The day has finally arrived: I am preparing my first round of querying agents! Thoughts, prayers, good vibes are all welcome in this stage of the process. Backstory: After my first novel, The Hold, was sidelined, I rewrote a completely new fantasy with the current working title of The Power of Ancients to bring better clarity to the novel. In September 2018, I sent it to a different editor and have incorporated most of the suggestions given. On January 8, I will be sending out my first round of queries. So excited!
September 4, 2018: I have sent off the completed manuscript (I ended up with Chapter 57, and have 94,800 words) to an editor last week. If I get the okay from him, I will begin marketing to agents this month. In March (2018), I returned to the New York Pitch conference and received a request from TOR Books, which was more than exciting.
January 18, 2018: Here in the new year, I've done most of the re-writing work done on the foundation chapters (chapters 1-27). Chapters 28-34 are mapped out. Chapters 35-44 will only require a perspective edit. The final chapters will undergo somewhat of a re-write, with additions and enhancements, turning six chapters into ten. The target is finishing by chapter 54.
October 7, 2017: The Power of Ancients is undergoing a rewrite to change the main character's voice into first person. The co-protagonist and antagonist are in third person. I'm moving the timeline around and adding some really fun parts that make the plot line sing all that more. Presently, I'm through chapter 17. Just updated Chapters 1 and 3 on this website. Enjoy.
April 1, 2017: I haven't posted on the progress of the novel for several months as I've been working with teachers and editors on improving the finishing touches of the novel. So, today I've posted the first two chapters—all new, and written in first person. (This is not an April Fools joke, just in case you're wondering.) I hope you enjoy!
November 2, 2016: The first draft of The Power of Ancients has finally been completed. Its 56 chapters will undoubtedly be tweaked over the next several days, especially the last three chapters. Comparing this book to my first novel attempt (The Hold), the ending is far more compelling, brings a series "first-installment" to a more complete ending, and leaves plenty of material to build on for sequels.
October 5, 2016: Closing in on the end of writing The Power of Ancients. Chapter 45. The first draft is about 85-90% complete.
August 27, 2016: The month of August has brought major progress to The Power of Ancients. In the last week alone, I've completed seven new chapters, as well as solidified the characters and storyline. One of the most exciting developments is that I've woven in elements of the legend of Dayang Sumbi, Sangkuriang, Tangkuban Perahu, and Lake Bandung, using different circumstances and motivations (omitting details I don't want to write about). The first draft is now 60% complete.
July 9, 2016: The Power of Ancients is now updated on the website--with all the character name changes, place name changes, and changes to the synopsis and concept. Enjoy.
June 13, 2016: The Power of Ancients is taking another turn. After consulting with the head of the NY Pitching Conference, we decided that to make the novel more marketable, I needed to jettison the made-up names and root the story in actual Indonesia. I've chosen pre-Hindu Indonesia (pre-500 BC), and setting the story in none other than West Java where I lived for 26 years (1986-2012). I'm even using local landmarks and creating legend out of them. It will also lend some exciting new additions that will make the story come alive even further. The characters, personalities, and exchanges between them will be enhanced by the realism of the setting. Super fun to write. I will be posting new chapter 1,2, 8, and 10 soon--after I work through chapters 8-10.
April 17, 2016: This past month has seen a lot of progress on The Power of Ancients. I have finished through Chapter 19. I have also begun to share some of the character sketches I'm placing on this website in Meet the Characters. Enjoy!
March 6, 2016: 2984, The Sea-dweller Series, is now available in paperback. All four previously published pieces (listed on my "Young Adult" page) plus two never-before published segments are included in this short book. Click on the red link to purchase.
November 19, 2015: From now through midnight Monday, November 23, I've posted Chapter Two of The Power of Ancients, my new fantasy. You may leave feedback through the Questions / Contact form. Enjoy!
November 7, 2015: Looks like my October post was lost. After the NY pitching conference, I've redesigned the story premise and retitled the novel, The Power of Ancients. It's a fantasy, keeping many of the same characters yet adding a couple more, and refining some of their personal histories, character arcs, and personalities. I've finished the first five chapters of the re-write and am much happier with the new novel. See Chapter One of The Power of Ancients.
September 2, 2015: Getting excited about the pitching conference in NY Sept 17-20. This past month, I've been busy with several pre-conference writing assignments, blog posts, and additions (and subtractions) in preparation. The title will probably be changing. Also working on a new story for the 2984 project, and preparing for an e-book release of the entire work as a single unit.
Today is my dad's 84th birthday. What a milestone! Still as sharp as ever.
Today is my dad's 84th birthday. What a milestone! Still as sharp as ever.
July 8, 2015: Back from S.E. Asia. We had a fantastic trip. Parts 4 and 5 of the 2984 project, Double Betrayal, are completed and available online at Amazon (here's the link: This is the longest piece to date, almost double of anything else. I eventually hope to put all five parts together and make available both as a single e-book unit as well as in a hard copy format.
June 11, 2015: Part 4 of the 2984 project is completed, and Part 5 is nearly finished. The two will be released as a single unit. Tomorrow we return to Southeast Asia for a visit. The pieces will be uploaded from there.
June 4, 2015: I'm now working on the 2984 project. Parts 4 and 5 will be published as one work on by the end of the month. Still have some rewriting and tweaking to do. This is the most emotionally in-depth work I've done to date, and I'm pleased with the results. Let me know your thoughts on the series by leaving a note through the contact form.
May 26, 2015: Finally got Bitter Departure, Part 3 of the 2984 series uploaded onto Part 4 should be uploaded by the end of next month (June 2015). Also coming in early June is one of my first memoir pieces from my years in Indonesia. Super excited about that one.
May 11, 2015: Sure would love to have some questions to make this website more interactive. Also, comments on the blog posts are welcome.